January 16 Update

January 16 Update

Good Morning,

We’d like to share a few updates from this week thus far regarding the building systems:

Tuesday afternoon: There was a reported propylene glycol smell in the art room. A service technician arrived around 5:30 PM and discovered minor drips from some pipe fittings in the attic. These were repaired, and the smell dissipated shortly after.

Wednesday into Thursday morning: The boilers triggered a high-pressure warning due to air in the system. The company remotely monitoring the system dispatched a technician to address the issue by bleeding significant amounts of air from the system. This process caused some propylene glycol odors in parts of the downstairs area near the mechanical room, including the main hallway.

As a precaution, Ms. Moore’s 2nd-grade classroom relocated to the café for a short time this morning, and returned to their classroom once the issue stabilized. 

The technician has completed the initial work and has assured us the system is functioning properly at the moment and will return later today to reassess.

We will continue to provide updates if there are any major changes or developments as we monitor and assess the system throughout each day and night.

Your collaboration as a community is appreciated as we work through these challenges.


Ronna & Jeff