COVID-19 Information


August 24, 2021

Dear Nottingham School Families:

Welcome back to another exciting school year! I am thrilled to be able to see all of you again, and get back into the school groove! As you found in Mr. Sousa’s Welcome Back Letter and the attached Return to School Plan, we will be returning in Phase 5, which looks a little different than last year.

School administration and I continue to receive regular updates regarding COVID-19 from the CDC, NH DHHS and the NH Department of Education.  We will do our best to keep you updated as to how this affects our school community as changes arise. We ask for your cooperation with the new Return to School plan, devised to keep our students and staff healthy. To maximize in-person learning for everyone, we will continue to follow the same illness guidelines as last year. These are as follows:

  • Parent/Student Home Screenings: All parents will screen their children daily at home for symptoms of COVID -19. If any of the following symptoms are present, parents will keep children home from school: temperature greater than 100.0 or chills, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, cough, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, loss of taste or smell, sore throat, nasal congestion or runny nose, diarrhea, nausea or vomiting, or skin rash. Students who exhibit any symptoms should consult with a medical provider and must have a negative test to return to school. Please DO NOT medicate your child and send your child to school with symptoms.
  • If signs and symptoms begin while at school, the student (or staff member) must be sent home as soon as possible using personal transportation. Sick students and staff will be kept separate from other students and staff and contact will be limited as much as reasonably possible, while ensuring the safety and supervision of the sick student(s) or staff until they leave. 
  • Students and staff with fever greater than 100.0°F and no specific diagnosis should remain at home until they have had no fever for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medications (e.g., Advil, Tylenol).
  • Students and staff exhibiting symptoms of Covid 19 must have a negative test prior to returning to school. 
  • Any student or staff member with a known exposure to COVID-19 must Quarantine or Self-Observe for symptoms, based on vaccination status. Because vaccination status will vary from person to person, this will be determined on a case-by-case basis. Please communicate this information to the School Nurse by directly contacting the School Nurse’s office. You can find links to the current Quarantine and Self-Observation guidelines below.

Quarantine guidance for UNVACCINATED individuals who were exposed within their household

Self-observation guidance for UNVACCINATED individuals exposed to COVID-19 outside of the household or any VACCINATED individuals exposed to COVID-19 within their household

Additional resources can be found at If you have any questions or concerns at all regarding any of this information, or if I can be of any assistance in any way, please do not hesitate to reach out to me. Thank you so much for your support and cooperation. I look forward to hearing from you!

Best Regards,
Stasia Cardillo, BS, RN
School Nurse
Nottingham School
245 Stage Road
Nottingham NH 03290
603-679-5632, ext. 107

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